Sunday, May 08, 2005

hate sin

"...there is a hatred or loathing of abominations: 'Ye shall loathe yourselves for your iniquities' (Ezek. 36.31). A true penitent is a sin­loather. If a man loathe that which makes his stomach sick, much more will he loathe that which makes his conscience sick. It is more to loathe sin than to leave it. One may leave sin for fear, as in a storm the plate and jewels are cast overboard, but the nauseating and loathing of sin argues a detestation of it. Christ is never loved till sin be loathed. Heaven is never longed for till sin be loathed. When the soul sees an issue of blood running, he cries out, Lord, when shall I be freed from this body of death? When shall I put off these filthy garments of sin and have the fair mitre of glory set upon my head? Let all my self­love be turned into self­loathing (Zech. 3.4-5). We are never more precious in God's eyes than when we are lepers in our own."

From The Doctrine of Repentance, by Thomas Watson.


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